Goblin Valley

Posted by Ana on Friday Apr 29, 2011 Under Travels

On April 23, we went to Goblin Valley State Park. It was a place where there were faces all over, and it was very cool because there were so many places for running and hiding and climbing. The faces were in the stones. There were a lot of nooks and crannies. There was no trail so we could do whatever we wanted. Me and Ellie were playing horses. There were nooks where you could hide when it was raining. I wish I could have spent the night in a goblin.

Standing in a group of goblins

2 Responses to “Goblin Valley”

  1. GrandDaddyAndy Says:

    Were any goblins scary? Are you sure you wanted to spend the night? Do goblins come to life at night? Ask your Mom and Dad what goblins like to eat the most.
    Love, your helpful Grand Dad.

  2. Ana Says:

    Granddad, none of the goblins were scary. I wanted to spend the night. Goblins do not come to life at night. Dad says what Goblins like to eat most is Key Lime Pie.

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