Dead Horse Point State Park

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 Under Travels

April 23rd, we went to Dead Horse Point. Once again we got our Junior Ranger packets and looked through it and then we started it. We worked for a while and then we started our hike. We actually went to a lookout first. When we got there you could look down and see the Colorado River 2000 feet below. It seemed like it was straight down below us.

Here is me and my family way up on the cliff

We stayed there for a short while and then we left to go on the real hike. Right when me and Ana got on the trail we loved it already. Why? Because my mom told us that we could climb on rocks.

Here is Stella looking over the edge. It goes straight down.

Dead Horse Point got its name because some ranchers herded wild horses into the natural corral at the top of the cliffs so they could pick out the ones they wanted. One time the ranchers forgot about the horses and they left. The horses starved to death.

We hiked for a while and got our pictures and then we headed back to the RV. When we got back we turned in our Junior Ranger packets and got our badges. We also turned in our Red Rock Ranger packet that we had worked on for a really long time. To get our Red Rock Ranger badge, we had to visit and become Junior Rangers at three national parks and one state park, all in the southeastern corner of Utah. We ended up doing even more: we visited four of the national parks and two of the state parks, and they were all great.

Then we left Dead Horse Point. I had great fun!

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