Milt’s and the Singers

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 Under Travels

Yeah, the singers were great! But Greta took my milkshake…

On April 21st, we went to Milt’s Eat and Go for dinner. We had a great time. I know I did, but I’m not sure if the rest of us did… I’ll ask them. [Guys, did you have fun at Milt’s?] Yup. They did. All of them. We ordered our food at a window and ate outside at a picnic table.

(Ellie wants me to tell you that she ordered a plain hamburger with just lettuce and tomatoes. She got it ordered correctly but it wasn’t enough for her. So she ordered another one. Lettuce and tomato were the “plain” ingredients on the normal hamburger, so again she ordered a burger. But she didn’t realize that when the orderer guy asked, “All?” and she said, “Yes, all, please.” , that “all” meant cheese, too. Whoops, that was a mistake. She really didn’t like the cheeseburger. I’m like, what the heck, she ordered a hamburger, not a cheeseburger! But whatever, she was hungry, so she ate it anyway.)

Well anyway, the first things we got were the milkshakes. I ordered chocolate, because I LOVE chocolate. So when I picked up my milkshake, (by the way, it was all heavy and cold and perfect…), I took a sip and realized it wasn’t my milkshake at all! I was so mad–and I mean, SOOO MAD–when I told Greta I had her milkshake, (reeses, by the way) and when she handed me back a stinky, dinky, light, warm, and very imperfect “barely-a-milkshake” milkshake that had WAY less than the reeses one that was actually good. UUGGHHH! I really was extremely mad. Right now, just WRITING about this makes me mad. I felt like stealing that milkshake back. Ohhh, it was so annoying…

I reluctantly (actually kind of gladly, because I hardly ever get milkshakes and it was still a tiny bit good) drank my milkshake but still pretended to hesitate before picking it up to drink, just to show I was still mad about it. It worked. And sometimes I even looked at it like it was disgusting and didn’t even touch it. I know I was kind of overreacting, but it was still kind of… fun. I guess.

It was kinda cold that night. But our milkshakes were really good anyway.

Milt's inspired this drawing

So anyway, we were eating our dinner and suddenly, three kids, a girl about 14, another girl about 12, and a boy about 10 or 11 appeared from the back of the building. I could tell they were all siblings and when they stood next to each other, held a tambourine, and put out a tip jar, I could also tell we were about to have a show. I watched them set up, which they barely did because all they had was a tambourine, and once they were ready, the oldest girl announced that they were going to sing for us. We weren’t the only ones at Milt’s, but there weren’t many others. The three kids still sang great, and I’m not joking. They seemed to love to sing as much as me, maybe even more. They all were really good, but the boy especially, he sang out so deep but so loud, I thought he was going to explode! He really was awesome though; you should’ve heard him sing!

We had an awesome time at Milt’s. If you ever go to Moab, Utah, definitely look out for Milt’s Eat and Go!

One Response to “Milt’s and the Singers”

  1. Bobby Says:

    Stella, your post was very informative. i sorta felt like i was there with y’all. it looks like you’re having a barrel of fun. we miss the six of you a ton. love, bobby

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