National Bridges… I mean Natural Bridges National Monument

Posted by Ana on Friday Apr 22, 2011 Under Travels

Natural Bridges, I always mispronounce it because I call it National Bridges, has 3 large bridges. We hiked to two of them. The first one was called Sipapu. (My mom says that Sipapu means “from the underworld, where the the puebloan people believe that humans came from). It was a very, very long hike. We had to go down steep hills and rocks that weren’t very stable and rickety, rickety ladders. Before the path that we used was in place people had to climb across a log and down a really tall evergreen tree to get to the bridge. But it was worth it to go because it was so beautiful.

Sipapu Bridge is the second largest natural bridge in the world, but you can't tell from a picture

Greta is under Sipapu Bridge

We also hiked to the oldest natural bridge in the park. That was a short hike. I did it with Daddy and Stella while Mom and Ellie made dinner. When we got back to the RV, I was very hungry.

Owachomo Bridge is the oldest at Natural Bridges

3 Responses to “National Bridges… I mean Natural Bridges National Monument”

  1. Tricia Says:

    Were you scared that the bridge would break? I think it would be kind of scary. Happy Easter to all of you. Tell your mom that Jayne is going to Luther College in Iowa.

  2. Ana Says:

    Hi Tricia, I was not scared the bridge would break. It looked really strong.

  3. Jean Says:

    Thanks for the note, Tricia. I am so glad to know that you are following and enjoying the blog. I think often of your and my adventures together as we are traveling now. Tell Jayne congratulations on making her decision. I hope she is as happy at Luther as I was.

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