Four States, Four Corners

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Apr 20, 2011 Under Travels

After Mesa Verde, we went to buy some groceries and then Mommie told Dad, “yes, you can take the girls for subway sandwiches”. We love subway sandwiches because they are so bacony and mayoney and pickley, and HUGE!! Mom and Dad let us get HUGE footlongs which is great because I am not very big but usually I finish mine before everyone else, except Greta.

We all got footlongs!

And then we went to Four Corners where Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico all come together in one place. But we were sad because the gate was closed when we got there so we couldn’t stand exactly at the spot where the four corners meet. Mom and Dad tried to encourage us to be happy and believe that we were already on Four Corners but close enough wasn’t good enough so we were still sad. 🙁

Four Corners was closed. And, we are standing on a... cattle gate!

2 Responses to “Four States, Four Corners”

  1. Tricia Says:

    You were all closer than I have ever been.

  2. Bav Says:

    If you had been able to park on top of the four corners and take a picture, it would have been 4 wheels, 4 girls, and 4 corners. How cool that would have been!

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