Creepy Cows

Posted by Stella on Saturday Apr 23, 2011 Under Travels

Yes, the cows were creepy! But, before that…

Sunday April 17th, we drove from Natural Bridges National Monument to Canyonlands National Park. It was dark, and signs kept appearing that showed a cow and said “open range.” And as we kept driving there were lots of pairs of bright yellow signs with diagonal black lines that signaled there was a cattle gate in between them. Jean drove fast, but carefully around each turn of the road through the canyon, but I kept worrying about the cows. The first cow we saw was about a foot from the road. It was pretty scary. The cow looked peaceful though, and kept munching on grass. The cows kept coming, and I kept worrying. Jean had to honk at one and she and Dad were amused at its started reaction.

I didn't see the startled cow, but this is how I think it looked when Jean honked the horn

As Jean sped around twists and turns I finally asked her to slow down and watch out for cows. She did, but also said the worst thing that would happen was that we would bump into one, so I stopped worrying so much. Ellie was terrified of them though. She kept saying, “Let’s get out of here, please,” really nervously. As she tried to fall asleep on the couch (it was, like, 9:15, by the way), we kept going over cattle gates and stopping so suddenly that I was surprised she ever fell asleep.

We searched for a place to spend the night and found nothing. So we decided we’d just spend the night at the Canyonlands visitor center. I had a great sleep, and I think Ellie did too, because in the morning she asked me where we were.

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