Our Coldest Night Yet!

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Apr 19, 2011 Under Travels

The hike into the dunes was exhausting, but really fun and a very unique experience. I’d never seen anything like it in Colorado before. I was so glad to explore even more of my favorite state ever! (Hawaii is my second favorite.) There was a really sweet display in the visitor center with a model of “safe lighting”, rock erosion, hematite-collecting station, and two real bullfrogs! The dunes were super awesome! 😀

The night of April 14th (my friend Julia’s birthday! Happy birthday Julia!), was our coldest night so far on this trip. We camped in South Fork, CO because it was the warmest place we could find along our route in Colorado. We turned on the heat and bundled up in our multiple blankets, sleeping bags, and layers of clothing, prepared for the below-freezing temperatures of the night. Surprisingly, I did just fine, and so did the rest of my family! Now we’ll know how to survive another super-chilly night if it comes!

2 Responses to “Our Coldest Night Yet!”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    And I thought you were going to the warm Southwest!

  2. Grand Mom Becky Says:

    I agree Colorado is certainly a very interesting state.

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