Camping near Albuquerque

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Apr 13, 2011 Under Travels

On April 7th, we went to a KOA campground near Albuquerque. When we got to the campground, I liked it already. It had a playground, pool, and a volleyball court. When we got there we ran right to the playground. It had two swings, a seesaw, and a spin-y thing. We played until we had dinner and went to bed. In the morning we got free pancakes at the KOA’s “Winter Kafe.” When we looked out the window of the Kafe, we saw Sandia mountain.

Sandia Peak is out our breakfast window.

After free pancakes we did some school work. After that we went to go play volleyball. We played and then my mom came and played with us. She tought us how to play. When we had to go get the ball we got thorns in our feet. It reaily hurt our feet. Me and Ana played horses while my mom and Stella played volleyball. It was an awesome campground. The next day we meet a boy. He became our friend. We played with him for along time. Most of the days were nice. There was a lot of sun. We stayed there three whole days.

2 Responses to “Camping near Albuquerque”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    There was cactus on the volleyball court? Now that’s what you call macho volleyball!

  2. Greta Says:

    There was NOT a cactus-Ellie is an imaginative story teller! There were thorns though…. ouch!!!

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