Time For the Contest!

Posted by Stella on Friday Apr 15, 2011 Under Travels

In the morning, we had a contest: How many flat tires?

The goathead thorns really messed up our bikes. When I pulled a giant thorn out of my bike’s back wheel the night before, I could hear the air poofing out. It was really scary and we weren’t too close to home; my tire was losing air fast.

My Poor Bike

So in the morning, we had the contest. How many flat tires were there really? I guessed seven. Someone, I’m not sure who, said all. In my mind, I had a small panging that they were right. But I also knew that couldn’t be true. So I was confident with my guess. Do you think I was right? What would you guess?

We counted up the wheels that were flat and guess how many there were? Seven! Just as I had guessed! For me, Ana, and Dad, every single tire was flat, plus one of Greta’s. But Ellie’s, Jean’s, and the other one of Greta’s worked great!

So the contest turned out well for me since I won, but not so much for Jean and Dad, who will have to buy all the new tires….

2 Responses to “Time For the Contest!”

  1. brynn Says:

    what did you get????(sorry im late 🙂 )

  2. Van Says:

    Hi Brynn! Stella’s reward was me repairing her tires. It turned out there were eight flats, and it took more than two hours to clean the thorns out of the tires replace all the tubes. I am glad that job is done, and I hope I never see another goathead thorn.

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