Blustery Bike Ride

Posted by Stella on Thursday Apr 14, 2011 Under Travels

Saturday, April 9, Ellie, Ana, Dad, and I went on a bike ride into Albuquerque city. At least we started to.

When I got on my bike, the wind was so strong that I almost blew over. We went up to the trail and started biking. By the time we made it ten feet, we were all tired and our legs ached like crazy. Each time I peddled, I only made it about half a foot. We were riding right into the wind.
Suddenly a HUGE, and I mean huge, gust of wind hit me. Since I was leading, I got most of it. Most of it was sand, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to pull over to the side and rest. Plus, I couldn’t see anything with all that sand in my eyes. Dad told us to turn around and go back to the RV. The ride back was glorious, though. We could go as fast as we wanted because the wind was pushing us.

I would take a picture to show you how windy and sandy it was, but nothing would show up except blurry sand. Anyway, you’d feel like you have sand in your eyes. Just like me, sadly.

So when we got back, we ate lunch which was turkey and cheese sandwiches and the fruit salad Ellie, Ana and I made. It was pretty small, the fruit salad, which only had apples, bananas, and oranges, but it was still really good.

Well…. I guess our supposed-to-be-fun bike ride turned out to be a fail!

3 Responses to “Blustery Bike Ride”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Did you have sand in your fruit salad? How come nobody ever answers my questions? Love, GDA.

  2. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    I meant the comment to the picture below to be to Stella’s story of sand and wind!

  3. Greta Says:

    Nope; luckily there was no sand in the salad! I will start answering people’s questions; thank you for bringing that up. Love ya.

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