More about the Sky City Pueblo

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Apr 13, 2011 Under Travels

We saw neat houses made out of mud and water. The Acoma people learned how to make Adobe houses from the spanish. We walked until we came to a cemetary. Gary told us that the men made the walls to keep the spirits of the dead people inside and the women brought all the dirt and coved the dead people with dirt that they carried up the cliffs from the valley below. Then we went into the church. It was big and tall. Gary told us stories. Then we came out and saw people selling pottery. We walked and learned about sky city. To our surprise, a guy who was selling blue birds gave us each one for free. That made us all so happy. After that we said thank you and then left. Later on the walk we saw people selling pies and cookies. We got blue berry pie and apple pie. Then we saw another person selling pie. We got more pies. We got peach and cherry.

This is near the top of the stairway down from the mesa

At the end of the tour, we could either take the bus down our walk down. We walked until we finally got to the bottom. When we got to the bottom it started to rain. We all ran to the RV and got back on the road.

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