Acoma Sky City Pueblo

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Apr 13, 2011 Under Travels

On April 6th, we went to an Acoma (a native American tribe) pueblo, or village. We got a ride up to the village on top of a mesa with our tour guide, Gary, and another man in our tour group. Gary was an Acoma native American who lives in the pueblo. He showed us an old church, a cemetery, and lots of houses and kivas, or places where the men pray and do ceremonial things, and he taught us a lot about his culture and his people. I loved learning about all the legends and stories; I talked about it with my family all day!

On the road there were lots of vendors selling jewelry, pottery, and even food! One very kind man gave us each a handmade bluebird, and we bought six pies and some delicious pumpkin cookies from a woman. (We each got our own pie! 😀 )

When the tour was over I was disappointed.

There was a very cool little path made to climb down the mesa, and we took it! It was awesome. Here is a picture of me climbing down:

This steep stairway down from the top of the mesa has been used for a thousand years by the villagers.

I loved the tour, and the pies were delicious! Mine was blueberry, and the other yummy flavors were cherry, peach, and apple. You should all see the pueblo!

2 Responses to “Acoma Sky City Pueblo”

  1. brynn Says:

    yummmmmm 😀 🙂 😀

  2. Greta Says:

    Yeah Brynn, they were delish! Yum yum yum! 🙂

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