The Great Hole In The Ground

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Apr 5, 2011 Under Travels

On March 31st, we visited the Grand Canyon. I had seen pictures of it and people told me it was really awesome, but I never expected it to be SO awesome and huge. When we pulled into the visitor center parking lot, I couldn’t see the canyon at all. We had to take a little walk to get to the rim of the canyon after visiting the park bookstore and museum/visitor center. As soon as I saw it, I thought, “WOW. That is BEAST.” I went crazy with my camera and took tons of pictures. Here is one that I really like: 🙂

The Grand Canyon is actually WAAAY bigger than this. Can you believe it?!

We stood on the lookout for awhile, then started to walk back toward our camper. All the sudden I saw some people looking at something in the woods, so my sisters and I all ran up to where the people were standing. There was a big BDLTWH, as Stella would call it, a.k.a. Big Deer-Like Thing With Horns. We soon realized that it was an elk, and we all took tons of pictures of it! Here is a great one that I took:

There's the elk running through the woods! 🙂

When we got back to our campground, we went for pizza and talked about how our first day at the Grand Canyon was really cool. I agree! 😀

2 Responses to “The Great Hole In The Ground”

  1. GrandMom Becky Says:

    Really nice photos you took. I truly enjoy your comments along the way.

  2. brynn Says:

    OH MY GOSH!!! ITS HUGEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

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