Florence, AZ

Posted by Van on Saturday Apr 2, 2011 Under Family, Travels

I had the girls to myself because Jean had to travel on business for a few days. We dropped her off at the Phoenix airport on Sunday morning and picked her up again on Tuesday evening, March 29. It was awfully good to have her back with us.

From the airport, we drove down to Florence, AZ to spend some time with Uncle Dan and Aunt Sarah. We arrived late but were welcomed with open arms. A wonderful neighbor, Wes, invited us to park our camper alongside his home. The following day offered swimming for the girls and very nice time spent with Dan, Sarah, Wes, and Arlene. We all had lunch together; homemade chili and root beer floats.

Our Favorite Relatives in Florence, AZ

One Response to “Florence, AZ”

  1. Rose Says:

    Hello you adventurous travelers! Love hearing all you stories. This is a trip you’ll never forget. Great that you’re seeing family along the way. Keep up the good work with all the wonderful stories & pictures. Love every one of them.

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