
Posted by Van on Saturday Apr 2, 2011 Under Travels

We all have to pull our weight on this trip, and sometimes the work required is not so fun. But everyone chips in to help clean, cook, fold the laundry, maintain the bikes, hookup and breakdown at campgrounds, etc. One of the dreaded, endless jobs is doing the dishes after every meal in our little, dishwasher-less galley. But, everyone takes a turn and that makes the job a lot less cumbersome.

Here is Ana at the sink, doing the dishes all by herself for the first time. She looks like she might even be enjoying herself.

Ana doing the dishes by herself

2 Responses to “Chores”

  1. Tricia Says:

    I have dishes at my house that could use your help.

  2. GrandMom Becky Says:

    Good job Ana. We always appreciate it when you help load the dishwasher when you visit. You look like you are having fun!

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