Being Scared

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Apr 2, 2011 Under Travels

On our hike into Chiricahua I had to overcome my fear of heights. When we got on the trail to hike down from the top, I looked over the side and I saw a huge drop. I knew I was not up for this walk. I was scared because I did not like being up high where there was nothing to support you. For a long time, I did not like the hike at all. I knew I couldn’t be scared for the rest of the hike, so I decided I had to stop being scared.

We had lunch at a big rock hanging over the edge. I was really scared but I decided I was going to get up on the rock and look over. When I looked over, it wasn’t that bad. Then we continued our long hike down.

Up high in the grottos along the trail

2 Responses to “Being Scared”

  1. GrandMom Becky Says:

    Those are some pretty gigantic rocks. They sure make you look small!

  2. brynn Says:

    it looks really cool

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