Asah Gweh Oou-o

Posted by Stella on Saturday Apr 2, 2011 Under Travels

You’re probably thinking, What the heck does that mean? Well, can you guess? I couldn’t.
Asah Gweh Oou-o is the Native American name for Eagle View, which was the awesome campground we stayed at for two days and two nights with only Dad. You might be thinking I had a terrible time, but it was actually great with only Dad. He was so fun- he hauled himself over to the pool, because we weren’t allowed in there without someone over the age of 16. I felt really bad dragging him to the pool, both days, when we were supposed to be spending time with him. He brought his computer and worked in the shade under a gazebo-like-thing in a chair with rubber straps where you sit and stretch your legs out. He looked pretty comfortable to me, so I started to felt less guilty.

I had so much fun in the nice, heated pool, where I could do front and backflips, where I could be free and have fun, even if I looked dumb sometimes. But what really made me feel good was making new friends and having fun with them. My sisters and I did relay races with our new friend, Sarah, and taught each other different strokes in swimming. We all had a lot of great laughs at the attempts, and wore ourselves out.

Dad was great with us. Even as we were leaving, and trying to pack up the bikes, he let us ride them around the campground with our friend. As we were biking, Dad took our picture next to a big Saguaro cactus. When you look at this, you can see how big they really are.

You can get a feel for how big the saquaro are

Our time at Eagle View passed too quickly for me. I just had so much fun, it was hard to leave.

4 Responses to “Asah Gweh Oou-o”

  1. aunt jana/juliet Says:

    Hi Stella! i went to a heated pool to! It also had a hottub! I did flips to!!! I also did hand-stands. I met girls that were 12 and 13.I helped them find a missing ring in the hottub and me and one of them played a prank on the other. If you want to no what it is,I will tell you next time! Hey greta,Ellie, and Ana! Hi Aunt Jean, Hi Uncle Brian! Good Bye!

  2. Greta Says:

    Hi Juliet! We miss you too! What is the prank that the girl played?

  3. Uncle Andy Says:

    Hey Ladies, Nice cactus. Hope to see you guys soon. We just went to Atlanta but of course you were not there. Too bad for us.

    Be safe.

  4. brynn Says:

    those cactus look like cloth!!!

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