Chiricahua National Monument

Posted by Greta on Friday Apr 1, 2011 Under Travels

Hey aren’t you glad I can pronounce that let alone spell it? Haha. On March 25th, we went to this awesome national monument. When we got there we had to get on a whole bunch of hiking gear ’cause we planned to cover a lot of ground in the park. In the visitor center there was a very nice park ranger named Suzanne who taught us a lot about the park AND she got us a ride up to the top of the ridge. When we got there we started to hike down the ridge and look at the spectacular rock formations. We hiked along an easy trail for a while and really enjoyed the beautiful view of the balanced rocks. All the huge rocks looked like statues of Native Americans standing in a big cluster. After about a mile or so we got hungry and stopped for lunch after exploring some really cool rock grottos. We sat on these nice smooth rocks in the shade and enjoyed the view. Here is a picture of Stella and I eating lunch:

Eating lunch on the rocks

After lunch we had food in our bellies, but we still had quite a ways to go; at least a few miles. The hike was nice but soon my sisters started to get tired and the signs were showing. We started to go up a longer steeper hill but we didn’t have a flashlight (it was going to get late) so we decided against it. When we were about halfway back down to the visitor center we stopped for Girl Scout cookies. (yum! 🙂 ) After five miles of hiking we finally made it back, and Ellie and Ana saved the last of their energy to run the last 100 yards. I thought they were insane. We ate another cookie at the bottom.

I forget exactly where we took this, so I’ll just put it in here. Here we are in front of a big balanced rock:

Geez don't you think that rock has to work hard to stay in that position!?

I really liked Chiricahua National Monument! 🙂

3 Responses to “Chiricahua National Monument”

  1. Tricia Says:

    Super cool rock formations.

  2. GrandMom Becky Says:

    I wonder what would happen if a earth quake happened????

  3. brynn Says:

    oh my gosh the rock looks like its going to fall on you guys!!!!!!!~!!!!!@@!!!!

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