The Mystery Counselor Game!!!

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011 Under Travels

At Spanish camp on Wednesday night (August 31), there was a really fun activity…

It was a game where you split into groups and you ran around finding counselors hiding under blankets. Then you asked the counselor yes-or-no questions in Spanish, like,”Do you have long hair?” or “Are you a man?” and you tried to figure out who they were. If they said yes, they signed a sheet that proved that you had found them. My group was Stella and Bella, and we were an awesome group. We were super fast and we were good at finding the hidden counselors. There was one counseslor at the end who was really hard to find named Alejandro, but we finally found him in the closet. Then we ran to Nelson, the one who was in charge of the game, and he told us that we had won first place! We were the fastest team! We exchanged a big round of high-fives with each other and Nelson, and then we sat and hung out with Vero until the other teams were finished. We had such a fun time playing… The Mystery Counselor Game!!! 😀

In the square with our new friend, Alana. Alana and Ana were on Dad's team for the mystery counselor game.

One Response to “The Mystery Counselor Game!!!”

  1. brynn Says:

    pritty coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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