Super Español

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011 Under Travels

On the third day (August 31) of camp at El Lago Del Bosque, I decided to try the extreme challenge: get a super Español badge. *claps hands excitedly*

Super Español is this thing they do at camp where if you volunteer to wear the Super Español badge, you have to speak ONLY Spanish until dinner. (They give out the badges at lunch.) So I got a badge and tried to speak only Spanish all afternoon. It was REALLY hard. When I asked questions, I had to ask them in Spanish, and even when I was just playing with the other kids… I think you can guess the answer.

But… I survived! I spoke English a little bit, but for the most part I did fine. At dinner I turned in my badge and the counselors gave me a mardi-gras necklace in return. I’m glad I stepped up to the challenge, because it was actually fun! 😀

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