Visiting family in Springfield, MO

Posted by Jean on Saturday Mar 26, 2011 Under Family, Travels

We got up bright and early on Saturday, March 19, and took what for many of us was a long-overdue shower, and got ready to head to the Springfield home of my cousin Dan, his wife Carol and their daughter Nichole (we missed their son Hank who is away at college). Due to a series of miscommunications between Van and I, and between the two of us and our GPS, our early start became a late one and our breakfast turned into a brunch but our hosts took it all in stride and, in the tradition of a true Hafkemeyer family, served us a wonderful meal. We really enjoyed seeing Dan and Carol’s beautiful home (and hearing about the work they did to make it so) and learning about Nichole’s plans for the future (college and a career as a zookeeper). . . and the girls had a great time playing outside. We drove away feeling grateful that our change in itinerary made a stopover in Springfield possible.

Visiting our favorite relatives in Springfield

2 Responses to “Visiting family in Springfield, MO”

  1. Rita & Kathy Hafkemeyer /Ober Says:

    SO greaat that you included Dan, Carol, Nicole & Dallas in your itinerery…Baby Kitten, Louie was added to their family on March 29th…Nicole’s 17th Birthday present. They do have a pretty place. We drove thru Springfield MO on all our trips to & from Harrison AR, 1958 to 1965. Awful roadsin 1958…much better by 1965 & still better today. Branson MO, entertainment capitol/busy city today had 1-4 way stop back then & one country show, the Presleys performed on the hillside w/cement block & wood planks for a theater! Thanks for bearing with my trip down memory lane…Love y’all…Rita

  2. Meagan Hafkemeyer Says:

    Cute picture! I’m very late on this..very very late, but I’m graduating! And my grad party is at Grandma Rita’s this saturday, the 21st. If you’re in the area join us! Love, Meagan.

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