The Gateway Arch!

Posted by Greta on Saturday Mar 26, 2011 Under Travels

On March 18th, we went to the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis. It was so cool and it really made me think about how people worked so hard to build this massive monument. It amazed me.

We had to wake up super early to get in line. Once we got there we got in line on the north tram side. After a few minutes they announced people could get in line on the south side, so our family and a few other families started to run toward the south end. Stella, Ellie, and me started to race these three other boys and Ellie outran them. (We were proud of her!) Luckily, we beat the rush and got in line pretty quickly.

Being at the top of the arch was SO beast. I don’t have any other words to describe it. That pretty much sums it up.

Back down in the visitor center, we saw an awesome video on how the arch was made. Then, in the museum, Dad gave us an incredibly brief tour of Louis & Clark’s expedition. Then we left and took this really cool picture of the Gateway Arch:

An interesting view of the arch

It was a really cool experience!!! 🙂

2 Responses to “The Gateway Arch!”

  1. maia schne Says:

    That is a beast picture…hahaha g u crack me up girl. It sounds like y’all are having a great time. Scratch that–it sounds like y’all are having an *amazing* time. Just be glad ur not here in the land of weather extremes. Anyway, I miss all of you, and I hope to talk to u soon… Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo times sideways 8

  2. brynn Says:

    that sounds soooooooo cool! 🙂

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