Waiting to Go Up

Posted by Stella on Saturday Mar 26, 2011 Under Travels

Here is a picture of Ellie and me imitating the cardboard people while waiting in line to go up in the Gateway Arch

Me and Ellie imitating the cardboard people while waiting in line

4 Responses to “Waiting to Go Up”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Nice mouth!

  2. Bav Says:

    Did anyone try to fold you up? Or to pick you up and throw you out into the wind? Next time yuo come over here maybe I will use you as serving trays. 🙂

  3. Greta Says:

    Hi Dave! No, no one tried to fold us up.. and by the time we see y’all again we’ll be sooooo heavy with muscle that you won’t be able to pick us up! Hahaha! 🙂

  4. brynn Says:

    i like your sweater stella!! 🙂

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