Lansing Pool

Posted by Stella on Friday Aug 26, 2011 Under Travels

Saturday, August 6th, the first day we were in Lansing, we left Grandma’s house to head out to the Lansing Pool on our bikes. It wasn’t that far; last summer, the year before, and the year before that, every day, my sisters and I would ride our bikes up to the pool. It’s only, like, a mile.

So anyway, we slipped our swimsuits on, gathered our towels and clothes for after the pool, went outside and into the back garage, pulled on our helmets, and were off to the pool! It’s all uphill to the pool and all downhill back. I like that because we’re so tired on the way up, which makes the pool feel better, and then after swimming, we’re kind of exhausted from all the exercise, so it’s nice to have some relaxing time on the way home.

Cooling off in the pool

So we finally made it up to the pool and I took off my helmet as fast as I could so I could jump in the pool. It’s very unlike me to jump in instead of walk in slowly, but I was so hot! I didn’t even bother to put my hair in a ponytail; just plopped right in. It was freezing and I kind of wanted to shriek, but it felt so good that I didn’t. I waved to my sisters to get in and they followed me into the water. I ducked my head under and shot through the water, trying to get used to the temperature. I came up and shouted, “I was the first one under!”

Hanging out with our cousin, Abby

Then I noticed my cousin, Abby, sitting in the red lifeguard chair with a long, red, floaty lifeguard equipment thingy. Abby was on duty today! We walked over and said hi. (We would have ran, but at the pool, if you want the whistle blown at you, all you have to do is run.)

We played until it got cold. Then we hopped out, showered, and started home. It was nice going there again!

Playing games at the Lansing Pool

3 Responses to “Lansing Pool”

  1. brynn Says:

    i love pools dont you???? hope you had fun!!!
    by the way where was greta??

  2. Greta Says:

    I was probably @ my friend Alanna’s house, Brynn. I think I might’ve spent more time @ her house this summer than my own… LOL

  3. lindsay lizars Says:

    we miss u when r u coming back u look like u r having alot of fun!!!!

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