The Fish Days Parade

Posted by Greta on Sunday Aug 28, 2011 Under Travels

On Sunday, August 14th, our family went to watch the parade for Fish Days.

Waiting for candy to fall out of the sky at the Lansing Fish Days parade

We walked up to Main Street, where we would see all the floats go by. We were looking forward to seeing our cousin Kelly’s float for her hair and nails shop, and we looking forward to all the candy! Once the parade started, we got a bucket and started picking up all the candy that was thrown at us. We saw firetrucks, trackers, and other floats advertising businesses all over Lansing. When Kelly’s float drove by, Annie and Kristy, our cousins, threw extra candy for us. It was super cool!

The awesome Studio K float!

By the end of the parade, we had an overflowing bucket of candy. We shared it with all of our relatives there, and then we ate lunch and went to the Fish Days grounds. It was a great parade!!! 🙂

One Response to “The Fish Days Parade”

  1. brynn Says:

    awesome float!!

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