Tractor Pull

Posted by Stella on Sunday Aug 28, 2011 Under Travels

August 12th, we were at Fish Days, hurrying after dinner to get over to the tractor pull, the activity for the night. When I saw what we were going to have to do, I told our parents that I didn’t want to do it. But guess what? They made me. There were tons of little kids, and not very many kids my age. The only kid I saw that I knew my age was a girl that was in my class named Nicki. That’s who I mostly hung out with on Fish Days besides another girl named Annie. She had done the tractor pull before but she didn’t do it that time. Which left me alone with Nicki. I looked around some more and Dad pointed to a trailer on the back of a truck, filled with different colored and sized mini tractors. My mouth hung open at them as I realized I’d have to ride one of those things and look like I’m struggling because Dad told me there’s a weight on the back that gets heavier as you peddle. And they were teeny! I mean, this was going to be a total embarrassment to look like I’m trying. I didn’t want to seem like I was determined, because then people would think I’m a showoff, but I didn’t want people thinking I’m weak, either. It was SO embarrassing! Well, I had to do it, so I did.

Ana at the Fish Days tractor pull

Finally, I did it and it was over with. The point was to get as far as you could without stopping. And I actually made it pretty far. My aunt and uncle congratulated us by getting us ice cream. Yum! Suddenly, a bunch of my friends that didn’t do the tractor pull but were watching ran up to me yelling my name. I was so confused at first but understood when they told me I’d won. I was given a trophy and my picture was taken. I guess it wasn’t so bad after all!

I won a trophy?!

One Response to “Tractor Pull”

  1. brynn Says:

    thats awesome stella good job!!!
    by the way i just finished updating the map, so ya… i just put one tack in the alaska cuz it was WAYWAYWAY to small to put in a bunch.(i put it right in the center!!!)
    i will call u soon!!!
    love u and miss you 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…(0’s till forever) times around the world!!!!!
    love brynn

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