Goodbye Yellowstone

Posted by Van on Wednesday Aug 17, 2011 Under Travels

July 31 was our last day in Yellowstone National Park. We made our way toward the northeast exit and our next adventure, which was waiting just outside the gates.

But before moving on, Yellowstone deserves a few more words. At this point in our trip, we have been traveling for six months, and we have seen some incredible things: the highest mountains, the biggest parks, the tallest trees; oceans and canyons; volcanos and lava fields; seemingly unending forests; amazing animals and, as Ellie would say, a ton of deer.

Leaving Seattle, we knew we were beginning our journey back east and we were already feeling the strong pull of family and friends. One might say we were in go-home mode, big time. But, with a couple thousand miles to cover, we picked some parks along the way to break up the journey. Yellowstone was an obvious, almost obligatory choice, partly because we had never been there, but also because it is the iconic Yellowstone, the first and largest national park in the lower 48. We were excited about it, but also weary and ready to move on.

Yellowstone was simply incredible. After all we have seen, Yellowstone still had us gasping in delight and wonder, over and over. The geysers, the springs, the formations, the rivers, the canyons, the animals,… the fact that almost the entire park sits atop a massive, living, breathing volcano. Even with the crowds and crowds of people pouring through every corner of the park, Yellowstone was one of the most impressive places we visited on this trip, if not the most impressive.

So, goodbye Yellowstone. You are worthy of many return trips, and we hope to return again soon.

Goodbye Yellowstone! We will miss you!

4 Responses to “Goodbye Yellowstone”

  1. Bav Says:

    Good bye Yellow Stone Road…

  2. brynn Says:

    ha ha hilarious!

  3. brynn Says:


  4. aunt jana Says:

    we’ve been watching the whole way. alaska was particularly cool to me but we miss you guys!

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