Going Off To Girls Camp

Posted by Stella on Friday Aug 26, 2011 Under Travels

August 7th, my parents announced that I would be going off to some camp for middle school girls. I was like, What? At the last minute, you’re just telling me about a random camp that you signed me up for without even telling me? And now you’re saying I have to go? Well, if I was mad, I certainly wasn’t when we got to camp.

I had packed a bag of clothes, my swimsuit, a sleeping bag, and a pillow for the overnight camp. When we pulled in to Lonnings Landing, (which was where the camp was) I spotted a sign that said,
And there was an arrow pointing right. Jean and Dad said bye to me and Greta and dropped us off by the sign. We followed the arrow, carrying all our bags. I was really nervous, but I faced my fears and went up to the woman with blonde hair to sign in. I saw all the other girls heading over to the pavilion, which was where I was. There were about 30 of them. The woman told Greta and me to put our bags over by the picnic tables, so we found a spot and plopped them down. Then another lady told me and Greta numbers and pointed to which table to sit at. I sat down next to a girl that I recognized… Who was she? Oh! I knew her because she was my third or fourth cousin! I said hi to everyone at my table, and I felt really stupid because I felt like everyone already knew each-other since Jean and Dad had taken us an hour late.

Then a counselor passed out two starbursts to each person, and then handed every table a card. We looked at the card. It had little colored squares; each a color of a starburst! By each color square was a question. Then I understood the game completely. I had a red and a pink starburst. So that meant that I had to answer the questions by the pink and red squares.

That's me up on top, about to jump on my beach ball

I got used to everyone and made lots of friends. We did all kinds of fun things like tubing, swimming in a lake and jumping off a platform into the 16 feet deep water, eating, watching movies, roasting marshmallows by the fire, hanging out, listening to cool, healthy music, making homemade ice cream, and lots of inspiring activities for girls. I had a great time with my friends, and the next day, when it was time to leave, I was really disappointed that it couldn’t go on longer. I had my friends sign my shirt that I had painted a few hours before, and one of the counselors passed out CDs with the girl music that we had been listening to for the camp. Another counselor passed out sheets of paper with information about a different girls camp. Then another counselor gave us each a silver and red beach-ball.

I had the funnest time ever! I am so going back next year!

2 Responses to “Going Off To Girls Camp”

  1. brynn Says:

    that sounds really fun stella!!! i know you had an awesome time!!!

  2. lindsay lizars Says:

    that sounds awesome

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