The Cutest Buffalo

Posted by Ana on Monday Aug 15, 2011 Under Travels

July 30. We were driving along then we stopped there was a big buffalo in the road. I could hear its hoves going click click click click click clonck clonck clonck clonck clonck while he walked by. He looked like a big elphant with big horns and he had a long beard the looked like a goat. He was bigger than me and I wanted to marry him. And then I saw that there was a car behind him and he just walked like a king to his throne and taking his time. He was close very close and I could of reached out and kissed it but he would not like it though.

The bison don't seem to notice the cars too much in Yellowstone

[Editor’s note: Ellie helped out Luciana with the typing on this post.]

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