Driving A Four-Wheeler!

Posted by Greta on Monday Aug 22, 2011 Under Family, Travels

On August 3rd, we arrived at our aunt and uncles’ house, Rose and Mark, in Rochester, Minnesota.

We went inside to say hi to everyone, which was my aunt and uncle and cousin Cullen, and then Mark told us that he was going to take us for a ride on the four-wheelers. After he got out three quads and he and Cullen gave us quick rides, Mark told me he was going to teach me to drive one. At first I was a little freaked, but then, after I was pretty sure I got how to drive it, I was a little more relaxed. But I guess I wasn’t as good as I thought I would be. As soon as I hit the gas, I went WAAAAAAAAAAAY too fast! I slammed on the breaks and then started again, this time much slower. Then, after going around the yard a few times, we went out on the trail behind their house. The first part was sooooooooooo scary! It was a big downhill and then a big turn. The first time I did it, I didn’t turn enough and I hit a tree!!! Luckily I didn’t hit Mark! He came immediately to help me, and after that I was fine. I had a great time on the trail for the rest of the day, and we even went back out after dinner. I’m so glad I learned how to drive a four-wheeler!!! 😉

Fun! Fun!!!

2 Responses to “Driving A Four-Wheeler!”

  1. brynn Says:

    that sounds awesome!!!!!!!!! 4 wheelers!!!

  2. brynn Says:

    4 whellerS 4 girS

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