Grand Tetons: Learning about Wolves

Posted by Stella on Friday Aug 12, 2011 Under Travels

July 28th, we went to a ranger talk. It was about a mystery animal that we didn’t know about until we got there. It was about wolves! The ranger was really nice, and she let us touch everything on the display table. There was a coyote skin and a wolf skin with the skull still in it, and you could touch the claws and the teeth and everything. We sat down on the amphitheater and the ranger began her talk.

My favorite part that she told us is that you can tell everything by tracking. You can tell if it’s a female or male, or if it’s pregnant or not, and if it was running or walking. You can even tell if it was stalking something, and if it was stalking, you can tell what it is stalking! The ranger said that once, when she was out tracking with her boss, when they had been out there a while, suddenly her boss said, “I think you have to use the bathroom now.” And the ranger said, “Well, how do you know!” And the boss said, “Well, I was tracking you!” I thought that was really cool.

We had fun at the ranger talk.

Grand Teton National Park

2 Responses to “Grand Tetons: Learning about Wolves”

  1. brynn Says:

    thats funny! 🙂

  2. maia schne Says:

    I think my mom would like to have that skill. Then maybe she’d know if I had permission or not when I got into the cookie jar. XD

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