The Coolest Museum Ever

Posted by Greta on Thursday Mar 24, 2011 Under Travels

On St. Patrick’s Day I went to the City Museum in St. Louis, MO. It was seriously amazing. Everything was made of recycled parts–cranes, planes, castles, an old log cabin, and so many other crazy things. There were so many places to explore and discover and, in a full day, a person couldn’t explore half of it. The museum was ten stories tall and there was everything you could imagine, including a real school bus hanging off the roof!

Outside, in a big jungle gym of tunnels, paths, and walkways, I went in the scariest passage. It was a round metal mesh tunnel that slanted diagonally upward over an old airplane that was way high in the sky (maybe 80 feet above the ground). As I climbed, I could see the ground, and the people all looked ants. It was fun and terrifying. You could see everything from above because the rods of the tunnel were far enough apart to see everything through them, including my family taking a picture of me. Here is the picture:

The girl at the top of the curve is me!

Luckily I am not afraid of heights!

I did a lot of exploring on my own. I went inside a huge whale, climbed through the trunk of a tree, ran on a hamster wheel, and so much more. After awhile I noticed that most places I went, there were these two boys there too. The three of us explored for a little bit, and in a big dark maze I ran into the one named Luke. I had a big (luckily not very noticeable) bruise on my head. Also, I destroyed my knee on the hamster wheel. I looked very graceful by the end of the day.

I had lots of fun at the museum and it was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I got some really cool handmade shoelaces from a shop in the museum to remember the day. If you are ever in St. Louis, check it out! 🙂

3 Responses to “The Coolest Museum Ever”

  1. Cathryne Marsh Says:

    Did you all know Andrew used to work at The City Museum as a sculptor? He built a lot of the outside attractions. We were lucky to be able to spend a lot of time there. It is such a great place. So glad you all got to go!

  2. Van Says:

    Hi Cathryne and family! We do know about Andrew’s work at the City Museum, and that is a big part of why we went. We tried to imagine which pieces he worked on as we climbed and explored outside. It was great to finally experience the museum after all we had heard about it from you guys.

  3. brynn Says:

    my life sounds sooooo boring

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