Square Ice Cream

Posted by Stella on Thursday Aug 11, 2011 Under Travels

Square ice cream?
Like, shaped like a square?
Yes. Square ice cream.

July 28th, I spotted a sign. It said World Famous Square Ice Cream! Square ice cream, huh? It was hard to believe. To my surprise, Dad said, “Hey, girls, I’m gonna go check it out. You coming?”. And we all screamed, “YES!!!” So we went inside to check it out. Once we were inside, we went up to the counter. I was like, whoa! I’m going to eat square ice cream! It was cool to see the lady scoop up the biggest chunk of ice cream in a cake cone I’d ever had with a square scooper. I got huckleberry, and so did Dad. Jean didn’t get anything, which I thought she was crazy for. Ellie and Ana both got moose tracks, and Greta got licorice. She said, “It tastes slightly like nail polish remover, but I like it.” Which Dad cracked up at.

We ate our ice cream as we drove along to our next destination.

Enjoying square ice cream on a hot day in Swan Valley, ID

2 Responses to “Square Ice Cream”

  1. brynn Says:

    oh greta…
    awesome stella i wish i was there with you (which you probably know already):(

  2. maia schne Says:

    So Brynn walked into my room a few days ago and says: “There’s something real funny on the blog that I want to show you.” SO I got up from whatever I was doing and went to go see. I walked into Mom’s room where the computer is to see and I saw the picture for Square Ice Cream. And I looked at the text and the line that stood out to me the first and foremost was: “It tastes slightly like nail polish remover, but I like it.” And I started laughing really hard. All I could think was, *Yep, that’s Greta.*

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