Wrangell, Alaska

Posted by Van on Monday Aug 1, 2011 Under Travels

Our last stop in Alaska was a small fishing town named Wrangell, located on a small island. We had been told there were a few fun things to do on the island: exploring tidepools along the shore and visiting Petroglyph Beach being two of them. Instead we did laundry, went to the grocery, got caught up on email and work at the library, and attempted to get some sleep in preparation for the last, longest leg of the ferry rides back to the “lower 48.” So, Wrangell, we hardly knew ye, but thanks for everything.

Wrangell, Alaska

3 Responses to “Wrangell, Alaska”

  1. Bav Says:

    You’re a funny man, Van. Thanks for the smiles.

  2. Ibby LeSueur Says:

    Sounds like the trip of a lifetime. I’ve been meaning to drop you all a note. Talked with your mom today; it was the first I had heard that they had to come back early from their trip. I’m so sorry. Hope to see your Dad in the next day or two. Fondly, Ibby

  3. Ibby LeSueur Says:

    Had a good visit with your dad yesterday at Oaklawn. We talked a lot about your trip and the girls!

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