Laser Tag with Family

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Mar 22, 2011 Under Family

On Saturday, March 12, I started my online schooling. At first I was on the wrong level, but then I shifted up and it was actually pretty fun. We had sandwiches for lunch and then around 1:PM we got a phone call from my aunt Holly and cousin Carson. Carson was driving on the interstate and suddenly had to stop and a truck crashed into them from behind. The back of their car was bashed in, but they were fine. They were really lucky. They got a ride to my grandparents house and wanted to play laser tag. On the way, me, Stella, Ellie, Grandmom, and Aunt Holly played Uno in the RV.

We played two games of laser tag. The first game we played was a team game. My family and I were on the red team. When we started, I ran around for a while but always had to go back to the base to recharge. I tried to go to my favorite hiding spot on the first floor, but a bunch of people on the green team were hiding there. The game was in two rounds and the green team won both times. The second game we played was a free for all, so we were all working against each other. I hid in my hiding spot and got lots of points because no one found me. In the second round, I ran smack into Stella and then we both shot at each other for a long time. My grandmom is amazing at laser tag. No one seems to find her and she gets tons of points. She won the first round, and my dad won the second. After laser tag, we were exhausted, hot, and sweaty, but it was worth it because it was really fun.

We drove to a Cracker Barrel for dinner where we met my Uncle Randy and cousin Sam. I had a delicious salad. After dinner, we showed Randy and Sam the RV. We played Uno on the way home, too. When we got home, we put our tired bodies to bed.

It was really, really cool that we got to spend a day with all my dad’s side of the family and it felt really special. I really enjoyed our day together, and I am so glad they didn’t get hurt in the car accident.

One Response to “Laser Tag with Family”

  1. brynn Says:

    sounds like fun. did you play MINI UNO?????

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