Playing Cards On The Ferry

Posted by Greta on Monday Aug 1, 2011 Under Travels

On the 20th and 21st of July, when we were on our 2-day ferry ride, we did a lot of hanging out and and we played a lot of cards. I taught Stella, Ellie, and Ana how to play Solitaire, and Stella and I did a lot of reading, writing, and drawing. It was a good way to pass the time. We actually had a lot of fun! 🙂

Looking out the window of the ferry at the islands (and a cruise ship) along the Alaska Marine Highway

Oh, and by the way, we also had Double-Stuf Oreos. They were delish!

2 Responses to “Playing Cards On The Ferry”

  1. Rita & Kathy Hafkemeyer /Ober Says:

    Van, Jean, Greta, Stella, Ellie & Ana, Your travelouge is so much fun…Thank you for sharing your trip…amazing events, so random,so interesting..and you’re having fun!I do believe you are becoming contorsionists as you sleep “anywhere”! 1o to 15 inches of rain on Fri July 29/30 left an aawful mess in our Dubuque area. followed by 90+ heat…so many people lost everything because the water came up so fast…Dan & Carol’s Nicole was here for 2 busy weeks. I spent a week at the Wisconsin Dells with Fred, Cathy & Elise. Meagan, McKenzie & Nicole spent 3 days with us & Tony, Emily came for 3 days…Fun place, but again, SO HOT! Emily & Tony announced today that baby is on the way, due to arrive early March…Exciting! We pray Emily’s pregnancy is uneventful Thank you again for sharing your great adventure…So much love/Rita PS The weekend of July 16th was busy at Buenie when Mike & Lisa drove down & Frank & Anette, John & Laura, & Tony came by boat. So hot, but a good time. Must get ready for my 60th (wow) class reunion next weekend…dinner at Milty’s on Fri nite. Six of our class of 17 still among the living…I’m very glad to be oone. Love y’all Have fun and keep up the great reports!

  2. Ibby LeSueur Says:

    I loved hearing about Seattle; that’s a city I’ve always wanted to see but have never gotten there. My cousin lives in Vancouver, so maybe one of these days I’ll visit him and get to spend a day or two there. After all of the wide open spaces, I’m sure Seattle was sensory overload! I’m going to see your Dad either this afternoon or tomorrow. Holly has been here with her boys. Love, Ibby

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