Dinner With Wes

Posted by Greta on Friday Aug 5, 2011 Under Travels

On July 22, we came into Washington in the early morning. We arrived in Bellingham at around seven or eight a.m. on the ferry, and we looked around and then drove on to Seattle. Then we took a ferry to another island, (I don’t know the name) and then we drove to Poulsbo, the town where our campground is. We pulled into a spot, ate lunch, and sacked out. We were all SO tired from the week before of having almost no sleep.

When we woke up, I did the dishes *stomps feet* and then Wes, one of my dad’s good friends, came to our campground. The last time I saw him I was about two or three, so I didn’t really remember him, but he was really super nice. We hung out with him for a while in the RV and then we decided to get some dinner in Poulsbo.

Wes recommended a great little pizza place in town, so that’s where we went. It was SO delicious. After we ate, we went to have ice cream. I had peppermint, and I loved it. *licks lips*

By that time it was getting late and we were all getting tired, so we went back to the RV and drove back to the campground. We said goodbye to Wes and then went to bed. It was a fun day and I’m really glad I got to meet Wes again! 🙂

Pizza! Poulsbo!

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