Our Last Day In Haines With Ava And Brooke

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 Under Travels

On July 14th, we had to say goodbye to our friends Ava and Brooke. They were leaving on a ferry to Prince Rupert at around one in the afternoon, so we didn’t have much time that morning to play with them on the beach and exchange contact information with their mom. They were so cute; I wish they’d move to Atlanta so I could babysit them! We played on the beach with them for a while, but it was kinda cloudy and cold so we ended up hanging out in our RV instead, all six of us. It was fun.

By that time it was almost time for Ava and Brooke to go, so we said goodbye. There were many hugs exchanged, and then we traded emails and such. Finally they left, and we shouted, “GOODBYE!” as their camper drove away.

We were mostly bored for the rest of the day because we were missing our friends. We’ll have to email them soon!!! 🙂

We had a great time with our friends

2 Responses to “Our Last Day In Haines With Ava And Brooke”

  1. brynn Says:


  2. brynn Says:

    hey you guys,
    google image maia. it comes up with a bunch of pics of you guys!!!

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