Our First Fairy

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jul 27, 2011 Under Travels

After waking up we went and boarded our fairy. We had to go up and be on a different deck than our RV. Our parents said it was not safe [to be down on the car deck]. We brought our stuff up and took our seats. We waited for the fairy to start moving and it finally started. Then Greta said something really funny. She said “when are we going to start moving?” We all started laughing.

Goodbye Haines!

After that we went and explored. There are a ton of rooms I not going to say them all. We wandered off and got lost. We looked inside the gift shop and then we left. We went back to the deck that we were all sitting at. We made sandwitchs for lunch. The cheese was moldy but it tasted fine. I know you might think I’m crazy and that’s fine. After lunch Daddy and Mommy said that we had to go to the ranger talk. We all went except for Mommy. The ranger was really nice. She taught us about tide pools and the animals that live inside them. After she was done talking she gave me and Ana and Stella each a packet to color. We worked and asked her questions.

After finishing our booklets we went back to the deack that we were all on. We looked out the window. We saw a ton of trees and the water of course. We ate and saw a whale BREACH 4 TIMES!!! It was awesome.

Riding the ferry to Juneau

We waited and waited and me and Ana got so bored that we went to the baby room. We would be wolves and try to nook each other on the floor. After that I looked up and said we have to go. Why?, Ana asked the sign. Oh we have to have a parent with us. We went back and played and waited for it was time to get off. Finally we got off. We were in Juneau!

One Response to “Our First Fairy”

  1. Bav Says:

    That’s a spectacular picture of Haines with those mountains in the background.

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