Crabs Crabs Crabs

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jul 20, 2011 Under Travels

After ariving at our campground we went down to play at the beach. It was really fun. We played with Ava and Brooke on the beach. After playing with them for along time we went up to go to the RV. Our parents stopped us and said we were going to go help kill crabs for dinner. That is the opposite of what I wanted to do. We went to go help. When we got there we saw a ton of crabs. I mean A TON OF CRABS!!! I think the person that caught the crabs said there were 40 crabs!!!!!

Cleaning the crab, removing the lungs and guts

Then the killing started. Joyce the owner of the RV park would Uhhhhh I don’t want to say it. It’s sad. Ok well she would take the crab in both her hands and would knock off its shell and that would kill it. Ouch! Then Daddy would take the dead crab and crack it in half. Then it was me and Stella’s job to take off the lungs. It was so sad. We did that over and over until we finshed.

Putting the cleaned crabs into buckets to take back to the campground for cooking

After that we left to go get ready for dinner at the pot lock. We made salad with the vinegar that Gretchen gave us. When we got there they would call us to come and get our food. We each got a whole crab. Joyce showed us how to get the meat out of the crab. The crab was good but when you put a ton of it in you mouth it was really bland. After that we all went back for desert. I got cake and I fed Daddy his while he was getting all the meat out of the crab. After a really nice dinner we went down to the beach.

Washing the crabs after cooking them

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