Bike Ride to Chilkoot River

Posted by Stella on Sunday Jul 24, 2011 Under Travels

July 15th, we decided to leave the Oceanside View campground for a short while on a 20 mile bike ride. None of the kids wanted to go. We were having fun on the beach and we didn’t even want to bike at all. But once we got started, it was okay. The only problem was that we were really hungry.

So after we’d gone down mostly down-hills, (which is bad because they’re up-hills on the way back) it got pretty flat. Once we were at the river, we got to see some men and women fishing. One woman caught a little silver fishy, and she said it was called a Dolly Varden. Her husband gave us some “Cheesies”, which are, according to him, only made in Canada, but they’re like the same thing as Cheese Puffs. (And by the way, we were in Haines, Alaska, but he was from Whitehorse, Canada.)

After a few minutes of watching them fish, we started the up-hill ride back home.

Riding along the Chilkoot river, north of Haines

One Response to “Bike Ride to Chilkoot River”

  1. brynn Says:

    hey sound like fun/hard work.
    keep on updating the map!!!!!!

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