Finally, Puffins!

Posted by Stella on Friday Jul 15, 2011 Under Travels

July 9th, on the boat tour, we were just cruising along and I was watching out closely for puffins. Suddenly, Amber, our ranger, said in to the intercom, “We’ve got some puffins on the left.” So I rushed over to the other side of the deck and– wow, there were tons of puffins! We slowed to a stop and watched thousands of puffins fly through the air. Some that were in the water were even so close that they had to fly away from the boat to not get hit! I was in puffin heaven! And now, since I’d seen a puffin…

The little specks in the water behind me are all puffins!


We were finally off! I mean, I liked the boat tour, and seeing the puffins and whales and stuff, but I was getting a little tired of being trapped with all those sick people. So we hopped off the boat, putting a tip in the basket, and walked down the ramp to shore. We walked along the boardwalk and passed by a lady pushing a tub full of fish. We stopped and looked at the five-feet-long fish for a few minutes and then continued on our way. When we were off the boardwalk, we saw a gift shop. Ellie and I asked if we could go in and check it out. Jean answered with a yes, so we hurried through the door and inside.

Whenever I walk into gift shops, I always stop to look at the jewelry and key chains. But right now, the only thing I was looking for was a canned puffin. I looked around and around some more, but no canned puffins. Then I saw another room and– still no canned puffins. But in the corner, I saw something better than a canned puffin… non-canned puffins! There was a big basket overflowing with stuffed puffins! Not stuffed like dead and stuffed, but like fuzzy, soft, stuffed animal puffins! I knelt down to pick out the best one, and now, I have my puffin– Puffy!

This is Puffy

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