The Boat Ride at Kenai Fjords National Park

Posted by Ana on Friday Jul 15, 2011 Under Travels

June 9th we went on a long, 6 hour, boat ride to see glaciers and wildlife. Soon after I got on the boat, I started to have a headache and then as we started moving more I got a stomachache so me and Momma went outside on the top deck. Momma asked Daddy to get a bag but I couldn’t wait so I tossed my cookies. Momma said I did a good job throwing up over the rail but I felt bad because I couldn’t hit the water and some got on the boat. A nice man who works on the boat brought me some ginger ale. And a nice woman who I didn’t know brought more ginger ale and some bread. I gave that ginger ale to Ellie so she could try some.

Ellie was very scared because she felt like we weren’t safe ‘cuz we were all going ricketty and rocketty and she thought we would tumble over into the water. If we did it would be OK because we all know how to swim and usually the whales don’t bite or anything or there are just salmon and the salmon don’t bite.

After I threw up I felt better. Then we started to see lots of animals. We saw humpback whales hanging out and blowing their spouts and flipping their tails, we saw some killer whales just swimming around and blowing their spouts too. Then we saw a humpback whale jumping out of the water. He was playing. It was cool!

We saw a family of orca swim past us

We also saw a baby mountain goat and its momma, or maybe it was it’s daddy but usually the babies are with the mommas. I’m not sure if the baby was a boy or girl but I don’t think it matters to the mommies or daddies because they still love them.

We also got to see some puffins (Stella’s favorite animal) and another bird that can dive down 600 feet for safety and for fish. Some people saw a bald eagle but I didn’t.

We also went to a glacier. It was pretty blue and white. It was very big and it was down by the water. We saw some ice falling off of it. It was very loud, especially when the ice fell.

When we got back to the dock I was happy because we were home and because we got some dessert on the boat.

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