Laundry, Subs, And Reading

Posted by Greta on Thursday Jul 14, 2011 Under Travels

On July 7th, after we left our campground in Wasilla, we went to go do some laundry and get lunch. Luckily, we found a great laundromat with a Subway next to it and a library across the street, AND there was a bonus….. There was a fair right at the end of the road that we could watch. It was pretty sweet for just a boring old laundry day.

We got subs, and then after we finished them, I asked if I could take my sisters over to the library. They said yes, so we went over and plopped down on the comfy cushions and started to read.

Relaxed and cozy in a library

I was so wrapped up in my book that I didn’t even notice when Dad came in and started taking pictures of us reading. Then, unfortunately, he said it was time to go, so we gathered our laundry and continued our drive! 😀

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