Day Two On The Beach At Oceanside Campground

Posted by Greta on Sunday Jul 24, 2011 Under Travels

Today, on July 13th, we went out to the beach again to play. Ava, who’s five, and Brooke, who’s three, were out, and so were two boys, Ethan and Connor. Ethan was eight and Connor was ten. It was great to have a lot of kids, and I showed them Pilot Jake’s grave and his steering wheel, and we found three old torn-up shoes. We decided that they had once belonged to Pilot Jake, the dead fish, so we put them around his body. we played in the ocean and watched the tide come up.

Working on Pilot Jake's grave

Then, unfortunately, Connor and Ethan had to go, but we continued to play in the waves. The tide was going WAY up, and I realized that if we didn’t move Pilot Jake and his grave, he would be washed out at high tide if we didn’t move him. So I dug a hole, pretty deep so dogs wouldn’t dig him out and so he wouldn’t be demolished by the waves, and then Stella picked up Pilot Jake and dropped him in the hole. Then we buried him and piled him with sand almost two feet high to protect him from the tide, and then we put shells on top as a protective covering. I didn’t really think it was much protection, but Ava insisted, so we did. Then we found a thick sheet of metal to cover the grave, so we put it on top and then packed it down with sand. Then we covered the grave with kelp, seaweed, and shells, and then tested its strength by dumping large amounts of water on top. Finally, it was ready.

At the campground with Ava and Brooke

We left the grave alone and played on the rocks since the tide was so high. Then we all had to go eat lunch, so we had a picnic out in front of the beach so we could see the tide come up even higher. Then Ava and Brooke went to a museum, so now we’re taking a break until they come back. More later! 😉

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