Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls

Posted by Jean on Thursday Mar 17, 2011 Under Family

When we were kids, one of our few and favorite treats were Mom’s cinnamon roles. It has been year’s since she has made them but the day before we left Iowa I asked and she agreed to do her best to remember how she used to make them, and to teach me and the girls her magic.

Learning How to Make Grandma's Cinnamon Rolls

We mixed up a huge mound of dough, let it raise, punched it down, and let it raise again. Stella, Ellie, and Luciana helped us role out the dough, spread the melted butter and cinnamon, and role it all up in a nice even roll. Missing the kind of the string she used to use to cut the dough, Grandma taught us how to cut the dough with a scissors and to make nice even rolls. We then baked them up and frosted them. They were as delicious as I remembered them being!

2 Responses to “Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls”

  1. Grandma Says:

    Hi Girls,
    Look at those cupboard doors, open and messy!! We were busy weren’t we. It was fun. we will try again this summer.

  2. brynn Says:


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