The Coolest Dog Demo in the World

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jul 14, 2011 Under Travels

After we had lunch we went to catch our bus for the sled dog demo. We ran to get on the bus. We waited for a while for the bus to come and get us. When it came we all ran to get our seats. We road in the bus for about 15 minutes.

When we got to the dog kennel a ranger told us the rules. He said that we were not aloud cross the blue line When we got out Me and Ana ran to go see the dogs. There were so many dogs. Some were black, white, brown, gray, and honey colored. We went and started petting the dogs. There were some that were sleeping and some that were looking at you and waiting for you to pet them. After looking at the dogs the demo was about to start. We went to find seats.

All the sled dogs were really friendly

We waited until a ranger came out with a dog. He started telling us about his dog. His dog was named swift. Swift was black and was big and had big paws. He was so cute. Swift is a wheel dog. If the other dogs make a mistake swift makes sure that the sled does not tip over. Daddy says that swift is like an extra motor. I think that swift has a cool job.

After telling us about what breeds swift was he told us that they were going to show us how the sled worked. Then all the people that worked there started bringing out all the dogs. All of the dogs sat up. They looked as if they knew what was happening. Trout a dog started running in circles. It was really funny. I looked up and they were off. They were going super fast. We watched in amazement as they zipped along. When they came around the bend we all started cheering. They came to a halt and we all clapped. They were really good.

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