The Cutest Baby Caribou in the World

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jul 11, 2011 Under Travels

We were driving along when somebody said STOP!!! What is it every one said? It’s a caribou with it’s baby. Were I said? It’s near the end of the hill. Oh it took me for ever to find it. The baby was trotting along behind it’s mom. We watched it for a long time. I love seeing baby animals. They are so cute. They went behind a hill and we left.

The baby caribou is following its mom

We learned that both the female and and the male both have horns. We also learned that caribou and reindeer are almost the same thing.

These are caribou antlers. They must have the strongest necks in the world.

One Response to “The Cutest Baby Caribou in the World”

  1. Bav Says:

    You look good with hors Ellie! And they make you taller than your mother!

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