The Cutest Baby Grizzly in the World

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jul 14, 2011 Under Travels

We were driving along when Mommy said STOP! why there is a sale with it’s cub. A sale is a mother bear. We looked and and with are luck it was a baby grizzly with it’s mother. We all thought it was so cute. It looked just like it’s mother. We think we scared them away because they ran into the forest. We all looked for them until we were about to give up when to heads poked up from a bush. There they were. In the bush. We stayed there forever until we left them The baby was so cute. It was my first baby grizzly bear.

[Editor’s note: sale = sow (mother bear)]

This is not the baby grizzly. We watched this one digging for a ground squirrel.

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