The 4th of July Picnic

Posted by Greta on Thursday Jul 7, 2011 Under Travels

After the awesome parade where we collected loads of candy, we all walked down into the park to go to a giant picnic. We laid down a blanket and then went through the line to get some lunch. People from all over the town brought the food, so there was tons of it and a very large selection.

With our favorite friends in Alaska!

We piled our plates high with all kinds of yummy food and then went back to our picnic blanket. Then Dad asked if we had seen the pig, and I’m like, “What pig?” He told me there was a whole roasted pig on a table near the food line, so I threw on my shoes and raced over to the table. Sure enough, there was a WHOLE pig that was sliced open and you could see the ribs and the head and everything!!! It was super cool and super gross. There were men pulling meat out of it, and while I wanted to look at that crazy pig more, Stella was really grossed out by it and she wouldn’t go anywhere near it. I think she was even a little afraid of it. 😛 So anyway, we ate tons of food and desserts, and then sadly, it was time for us to leave our friends and move on down the road. After we said goodbye, it hit me that I hadn’t even tried the pig. Well, oh well. Too late now.

I’m so glad we went to the picnic. We all had a great time!!!

One Response to “The 4th of July Picnic”

  1. brynn Says:

    cool. u guys havent posted in a while!?

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